Monday, January 02, 2006

Christmas and the New Year have Come & Gone

Well, my break from school is almost over. I head back to Wheaton College Graduate school this week. I have some loose ends to tie before starting the spring semester. This break has been a nice rest from the craziness of school. I have just one more semester before I am done with classes and then a brief 6 week internship in the early summer. I am looking forward to this semester. My class load will be heavy and the work challenging, but I am excited to learn new things and grow in my understanding of this thing called Counseling.

Much of my time at school involves looking hard at my own life and how my experiences play into the how and why I do what I do. I must say that it is a good thing to take some time and have a hard long look at yourself, the goods, the bads, and the possible whys of who you are. I have discovered many things. The one thing I return to often is that I am a Child of HIS and that my worth is found in HIM alone and not in my abilities, personality or lack there of. This has been a great truth for me. Thank you for being a part of my life in whatever way you have been. Every person, every interaction that I have had, has made me the person that I am today and I am greatful for your contributions to my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey lookin forward to kepin in touch this way