Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What a Weekend!

It was Sunday of this last weekend that myself and 4 other dear friends were blessed with the unique opportunity to go Ice Fishing! It was free fishing weekend on Lake Missaukee in North West Michigan. It was the first time that most of us had been ice fishing and we actually caught 4 fish!!! They were all small, but we caught one perch and 3 blue gill. It was a COLD and ICY adventure but it was fun and exciting too! It's not every day that you get the chance to go ice fishing.

My friend Rachel (the one in the middle holding the fish), who is from Georgia, drove her nice big Tahoe out on the lake. She was a little nervous about it... honestly, I was too...but we were reassured when we saw 3 big trucks exiting the lake as we were driving down. :) The ice was actually about a foot thick and we made it off the lake dry and in one piece. It was nice to have the vehicle there too cause it blocked the wind while we were fishing!

We all had a great time. Our weekend was full of adventure. On Saturday we went snow skiing at for most of the day. It was a FRIDGID day with high temperatures only in the single digits! We bundled up and kept ourselves relatively warm. Skiing was a lot of fun. I've not been that often and so consequently I was the one who was most often on the ground, but I still had a lot of fun. It was a nice break away from school for a few days. I'm glad to have spent it with some great friends that I have made while at Wheaton! For now, it's back to work for a few weeks until spring break the week of March 6-10.

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