Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Wheaton Counseling Ministries Studies

Well, not much new has been going on with me. I'm still plugging away at classes...

Let's see, what did I do of interest last week???? Oh, I got to interview a wonderful little girl and her mom. This was an assignment for my Child & Adolescent Development and Treatment class. Basically what I did was an 'intake interview'. It consisted of asking questions about the childs birth; developmental stages such as talking, walking and toilet training; functioning at school; relationships with parents and siblings as well as friends and strangers; behavioral patterns (normal and abnormal) and a few other items. After talking to the mom, I got to spend some play time with the girl. We talked about school and her parents. She drew me some great pictures which provided the basis for our conversation. The goal was to get an idea of her overall level of functioning in order to make a treatment plan. My interview was with a healthy child and so there will be no need for treatment. Wheeeew! Not sure I'm quite ready for that yet. :)

I got a small break today for what is called faculty development day. Not exactly sure what they are developing, but I DO appreciate some time off to catch up with my reading assignments. Let's see... I have my work done for tomorrow... and one of four chapters read for Monday. Still got a lot to do for Tuesday, 5-6 chapters to read and a write up for one class and 4 chapters to read with a critique and an essay for the other class. Then I got a quiz next Wednesday and 2 chapters to read. Really, my life isn't all that interesting right now... this is pretty much the extent of what I think about every night... "what do I have to work on next?" Wish I had something more interesting to share with you - still I figured I'd clue you all in to the excitement of Graduate school! :) Till next time... I'm pressing on... :)

1 comment:

Anne said...

Sometimes the pressing on leads to great stuff in the end. That's cool you were able to work with a girl and her mom. Kids are wonderful! Keep the posts coming. I love reading about your life:).